At iLAB’s Training Center for Software Testing, we have designed a range of accredited courses to cater to those starting their career in software testing, as well as those who want to advance their skills and knowledge. Our comprehensive learning experience includes hands-on exercises and real-world examples, all taught by experienced trainers in the field, so you can be prepared for success in the industry.

No iLAB Training Center, você se beneficiará de nossos serviços:

    • Certificações credenciadas: Oferecemos certificações credenciadas reconhecidas mundialmente aos nossos alunos. Somos um provedor de treinamento credenciado pelo International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB), pelo South African Software Testing Qualifications Board (SASTQB) e pelo American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB). Ao obter essas certificações, você poderá aumentar sua empregabilidade e seu potencial de ganhos, além de melhorar sua credibilidade profissional.
        • Instrutores experientes: Nossos instrutores são profissionais experientes, com anos de experiência no setor e paixão por ensinar. Eles trazem o conhecimento do mundo real para a sala de aula e ajudam você a entender a aplicação prática dos conceitos de teste de software.
        • Aprendizado abrangente: Nossos programas de treinamento usam uma combinação de palestras, exercícios e discussões para proporcionar uma experiência de aprendizado abrangente. Acreditamos na preparação de você para o sucesso no setor, ensinando-lhe os princípios fundamentais dos testes de software, bem como as ferramentas e técnicas mais recentes.
        • Exemplos do mundo real: Nossos materiais de treinamento usam exemplos do mundo real para ajudar você a entender como aplicar os conceitos de teste de software em seu trabalho. Você aprenderá a identificar problemas, relatar bugs e melhorar a qualidade geral dos aplicativos de software.
        • Preparação para exames: Entendemos que a preparação para os exames de certificação pode ser estressante. É por isso que nossa abordagem de ensino foi criada para ajudar você a ter sucesso no exame de certificação. Fornecemos a você o conhecimento e as ferramentas necessárias para passar no exame e se tornar um testador de software certificado.
        • Avanço na carreira: Nossas certificações, como a certificação ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL), podem ajudar você a avançar na sua carreira em testes de software. Com uma certificação reconhecida mundialmente, você poderá assumir projetos mais complexos e demonstrar sua experiência a possíveis empregadores.
        • Obtenção de certificação em teste de software

          Becoming a certified software tester with ISTQB certifications can be highly beneficial to your career and to your business. ISTQB certifications are globally recognized and provide verification of your expertise in software testing, which can enhance your professional credibility and increase your employability and earning potential. It can also provide you with a common vocabulary for software testing, which can make it easier to communicate with colleagues and clients. By obtaining these certifications, you can demonstrate your commitment to your career and advance your knowledge and skills in software testing. This can lead to new opportunities, such as taking on more complex projects and advancing your career in software testing.
          Obtenha a certificação no iLAB Training Center

          Cursos de treinamento oferecidos pelo iLAB Training Center

          iLAB Training Center offers a range of software testing courses to cater to the needs of different individuals at various stages of their career. For beginners, the Practical Software Testing course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to software testing concepts and techniques, preparing participants for the ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification course, a globally recognized certification for software testers. For those who have completed the CTFL certification, iLAB offers additional ISTQB certifications, including Certified Mobile Testing, Agile Testing, Advanced Test Manager, Advanced Test Analyst, and Advanced Technical Test Analyst. These certifications are designed to build upon the knowledge gained in the CTFL course and enable individuals to further specialize in specific areas of software testing. If a participant receives all three of the advanced certifications in testing, they are considered a Practitioner by ISTQB. iLAB also offers courses certified through the company, providing trainees with skills in specific automation processes. These courses include Virtual Basic Scripting for Testers, Java for Testers, and Selenium for Testers. They were created to encompass all three aspects of automation and can be taken in order from the beginning or picked up at any point in the tester’s education. This means that participants can tailor their learning to suit their specific needs and interests, making their training experience more personalized and effective.

          Escolha a iLAB para seu treinamento em teste de software

          iLAB’s Training Center for Software Testing provides comprehensive and accredited training programs that cater to the needs of individuals at different stages of their software testing career. With experienced trainers, real-world examples, and comprehensive learning, participants can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the industry. Becoming a certified software tester with ISTQB certifications can enhance professional credibility and increase employability and earning potential, while iLAB’s training courses can prepare individuals for certification exams and advance their careers in software testing. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to specialize in a specific area, iLAB’s Training Center has a course to fit your needs.
          Clique aqui para iniciar sua carreira em testes - centro de treinamento iLAB
          *ISTQB, ASTQB, & SATQB: The International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) and both the South African Software Testing Qualifications Board (SATQB) and American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB) are the governing bodies responsible for software testing certification. The ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification is a globally recognized certification, and iLAB’s Foundation Certification course is based on the ISTQB Foundation Level (CTFL) certification exam.