Quality and Innovation Insights
Why Relying on Happy Path Software Testing Will Make Your Organization Sad
Happy Path Testing verifies system functionality without including exceptions, unexpected inputs, or user error. It assumes a test’s expected inputs will lead to its expected results. Happy Path Testing does not simulate real-word conditions, it only considers best...
Seasons May Change but the Need for Top-Notch Testing Doesn’t – iLAB’s 2022 Software Quality Assurance and Testing Trends
Much like the seasons, trends come and go each year with semi-predictable regularity. Whether itbe avocado toast, Calvin Klein jeans, or the pet rock, something new and different sweeps throughto catch the interest of the populace. Trends don’t only occur in popular...
Don’t Hope for the Best, Have No Doubt and Let iLAB Prepare Your Eligibility Systems to Withstand Any Storm
Hurricane Ian’s recent ravaging of parts of Florida was a good reminder of the importance of preparedness. Florida residents who shuttered and sandbagged their homes, stocked up on supplies, or heeded warnings to leave fared much better than those who simply hoped for...
Don’t Get Caught in the COTS Trap! Let iLAB Drive Your COTS Testing!
Your public sector organization just invested a large chunk of change into a COTS system with all the bells and whistles. It seems bright and shiny like a brand-new Cadillac just driven off the showroom floor. Pricy, but worth it your leadership assumes. A smart...
How Applying Automation Early in the Testing Process Can Benefit Your Company
It is quite common for companies to have a single-minded focus on development and deployment when approaching test planning. While understandable, this approach is also short-sighted. And companies miss the myriad of benefits from including automation earlier (and...
Testing A Modernization Effort
Bringing your business into the modern world of technology is complex, expensive, and in general, a very daunting task for most organizations. Modernizing your business technologies means converting or changing legacy systems and applications to more scalable and...
Why Companies Should Invest Early in Software Testing
Companies worldwide are growing and adapting, which means they’re continually looking to technology and software programs to sustain their business processes. In today's digitally centered society, end users are more demanding than ever. They don't care about the...
Controlling IT Risks Without Slowing Growth
iLAB recently cited internal experts to share tips about software risk management and software quality assurance with members of the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber in the organization's weekly newsletter. Does your software present a risk to your company’s bottom...
Tech Beacon Features Ethical Hacking Article by Jethro Lloyd
In a recent Tech Beacon article "Want to Improve Quality? Allow Ethical Hackers Access to your Code" iLAB CEO Jethro Lloyd describes how penetration testing is improved through open access to code. "By doing nothing more than sending your ethical hacker a URL and...
Jethro Lloyd Talks Multi-Generational Employee Satisfaction on Workplace Strategies
On Episode 161-Banning Ego Among Senior Decision-Makers of Workplace Strategies, hosted by Fred Coon, CEO of Stewart, Cooper & Coon, Jethro Lloyd shares his story of becoming iLAB CEO at age 25. Speaking from that experience among others, Jethro offers insights...